About Committees

MCBA Committees

Committees work to develop legal educational programs, support bench-bar relationships, support the Marin County Law Library, provide pro bono services to nonprofit legal services organizations, and other projects of importance to the legal community.

Bench-Bar Committee

To consider and assist with matters relating to judges, the courts, and the administration of justice.
David Winnett | Chair | Email

Board Culture (Ad Hoc) Committee

Plans and coordinates social programs for MCBA Board members to advance a cohesive leadership culture.

Bylaws Committee

To review periodically the Association’s Bylaws and recommend to the Board any revisions, additions or deletions which it may deem necessary or desirable, and likewise, consider any suggestions for amendment from the Board or any Member of the Association.
OPEN | Chair | Email

Client Relations Committee

To resolve fee disputes, either by informal communication or formal arbitration, that occur between client and attorney that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the State Bar.
David Zeff | Chair | Email

Continuing Legal Education Committee

To facilitate the development and presentation of continuing legal education programs or materials that qualify for credit under the State Bar of California rules governing minimum continuing legal education requirements for State Bar Membership.
Scott Buell | Chair | Email

Ethics Committee

To provide education, information, and resources to Members regarding the California Rules of Professional Conduct, ethical opinions, legal ethics authorities, and proposed rules, as they relate to ethical requirements applicable to California lawyers.
Terrel Mason | Chair | Email

Judicial Evaluation Committee

The JEC will evaluate judicial applicants to the Marin County Bench, to the first District Court of Appeal, and to the California Supreme Court, when requested to do so by the Governor.
Scott Buell | Chair | Email

Law Library Committee

To determine the needs and wishes of the Members of the Marin County Bar Association concerning the contents of the County Law Library and its administration
Kristine Fowler Cirby | Chair | Email

Legislation Committee

To draft any legislative resolutions which may be proposed to the Resolutions Committee of the Conference of State Bar delegates.
Mary Sackett | Chair | Email

Lifetime Achievement Award (Sub) Committee

Coordinates and recommends a nomination for Lifetime Achievement to MCBA Board. Committee coordinates Award Gala and secures sponsorships.
TBD TBD | Chairperson | Email

MCBA Legal Education Scholarship Fund Committee

To recommend scholarships to eligible applicants admitted to or attending an accredited law school geographically located in Northern California.
Christopher Locke Ann Munene | Co-Chairs | Email

Membership Committee

To encourage and grow Membership, including but not limited to newly admitted lawyers and prospective affiliate members in the county and; to research and recommend relevant new benefits for our Members.
Elisha Yang | Chair | Email

Pro Bono Committee

To facilitate the integration and coordination of existing legal aid agencies in Marin County with members of the private bar.
Patricia Medina | Chair | Email

Program Committee

To create, schedule and implement general and special programs, including the annual installation dinner, with particular attention to the Association General Membership meetings.
Alexander S. Vahdat | Chair | Email

Public Outreach Committee

To create, develop, coordinate, schedule and implement informational programs, including but not limited to Law Day, for the general public, schools or community organizations relating to the legal profession and judicial system.
Open | Chair | Email