Support Advertise with MCBA

Advertising with MCBA allows you to put your message directly in front of a high-profile, targeted audience of legal professionals in Marin County. This includes solo and small practitioners and large law firms, judges, as well as affiliated legal professionals such as real estate brokers and CPAs.

Your sidebar or banner ad on the MCBA news website will allow click-throughs directly to your website. Ad packages are available for all budgets.




  • Run dates: 1st of month, to 1st of following month.
  • Deadline: 15th of month prior to ad start date.
  • Format: 72 dpi jpg or gif file at desired dimensions.
  • URL: Submit URL to link ad to advertiser website
  • Payment: Due at date of ad submission. Ads scheduled for multiple months must be paid in full.

Download Online Advertising Agreement

Contact us for more information at or call 415 499 1314.

Advertiser shall be fully responsible and liable for the content contained in the advertisement. MCBA is not responsible for, and in no way warrants, guarantees, or ratifies, the representations made or implied in the contents.

MCBA reserves the right to refuse to run or cancel any advertisement considered, in MCBA’s sole discretion, to be in violation of law, MCBA by-laws, the California State Bar Association Rules of Professional Conduct, or otherwise deemed inappropriate.

MCBA does not accept political advertising or promote endorsements.